
Porcelain veneers vs. Composite veneers: Which is best?

If you’re considering dental veneers, your dentist will most likely present you with 2 options: composite veneers or porcelain veneers. Both composite and porcelain laminate veneers have their benefits, as well as possible drawbacks. In this article, I aim to help you understand both the positives and negatives of both types of veneers, and what […]

Ultimate guide to dental care while pregnant (by Dr Alistair Graham)

Women are more likely to experience tooth decay, inflammation and bleeding gums in pregnancy. This can trigger premature births and harm the development of newborns, but you can lower these risks by looking after your dental health while expecting a child. — Expect to lose a tooth for every baby you bring into the world. […]

Tongue-tied baby? (what to do about ankyloglossia in children)

Parents sometimes don’t realise their little one is struggling to eat and speak because of a tongue-tie that restricts oral movement. What if this doesn’t resolve itself as the baby grows? Surgery can fix the problem and prevent the child from developing self-esteem issues later in life. Mason Motz could only speak a few words […]

Can dental problems cause high blood pressure & heart failure?

It’s harder for people with high blood pressure to medicate their condition when they have gum disease, according to new research. We can reduce our chances of developing serious heart problems by taking better care of our mouths. Gum disease doesn’t cause heart problems – not directly, anyway. But there is a link between the […]

‘Try before you buy’ – taking dentistry to the next level in Brazil

Did you know that you can try on your new smile before even starting treatment? I’ve learnt how to use 3D technology to give my patients the EXACT results they want, while honouring their natural beauty and unique features. I recently spent an invigorating week in Brazil’s São Paulo learning more about Digital Smile Design […]

Tooth decay in children – cavities are contagious too

Tooth decay in children is a major problem. Unfortunately, most adults don’t realise that cavities are contagious. You must stop sharing spoonfuls of bacteria with your little ones, if you want to help them avoid a lifetime of dental pain. Parents, we have a problem. Tooth decay is the number one chronic disease for Australian […]